Potato Print exists to improve the confidence and
self-belief of children, through art, creativity
and self-expression.

With teachers' workload in mind, what we do, is plug into special projects you're already doing at school, and give you the tools you need to get the best out of a child's creative development.


We give you tools to get the best out of a child's creative development, help you broadcast their work to families and the community and reinforce the positive feedback loop we know is so important for children's wellbeing.

We've found that for children to feel like they're doing a good job, their success and achievements should be celebrated at least once a term by their families and by teachers.


So, our Potato Print creative program gives you an off-the-solution that can be tailored to link to your curriculum objectives and RAP, that boosts children's confidence and self-esteem.

What this means, is that when it comes to busy times like Christmas, World Book Day and Leavers, we've got you covered and not only provide you with the ideas, and tools to deliver, we make sure that no child is left behind with equality and inclusivity at the heart of our decisions.

Our World Book Day activity, increased parental engagement and contributed to improved writing performance!
Take a look at an example of a World Book Day book made by Elworth Hall Primary, Year 1, that we provided to pupil premium families at no cost.